Connect. Relax. Enjoy

In Aspen Ridge, connecting with nature is as simple as a walk in the park. The community is designed with ecological preservation at its core – connecting people, wildlife and natural prairie spaces in one harmonious environment.

Natural Prairie

The Northeast Swale and ecological preservation is on the western horizon of Aspen Ridge. The vast 290 hectares of natural prairie landscape within City limits exhibits one of the most unique ecosystems in the world as it features some of the last Plains Rough Fescue (native prairie grasses) and is a natural wildlife corridor to the South Saskatchewan River. To respect the Northeast Swale’s ecological features, a transitional park runs the length of Aspen Ridge. Known as The Greenway, the park connects the community to the Northeast Swale and the Meewasin Valley river trail system.  The Greenway offers residents of all ages a variety of walking and cycling options and the opportunity to relax in a peaceful environment surrounded by the sights, sounds and scents of nature.

In recognition of Saskatoon Land’s aptitude in design, The Greenway  won the 2019 Premier’s Award of Excellence from the Design Council of Saskatchewan in the category of Landscape Architecture.

Seamless Transportation

Modern roadways known as Complete Streets are integrated throughout Aspen Ridge to provide safe and accessible transportation for everyone: pedestrians, cyclists, public transit, and motorists. The main roadway, McOrmond Drive, is designed to incorporate cycle tracks, landscaped boulevards and expanded sidewalks for seamless travel. As the community develops, residents will be able to share a brisk morning walk with a friend, hop on a bus to get to work, peddle a bike to the nearest coffee shop, or drive to the local grocery store to pick up supper for the family. Regardless of how you travel, you’ll find accessible links to arterial routes for all modes of transportation that provide seamless access to your destination in minutes.

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